Fairlie Reese

Bioinformatic analysis · Bioinformatics software/pipeline development · Long-read RNA-seq


Encyclopedia of DNA elements

ENCODE, or the Encyclopedia of DNA elements, is a consortium interested in characterizing human and mouse genomes. As part of this consortium, I am responsible for data processing and coordination of all the long-read RNA-seq data produced in my lab, in addition to a few additional assays that we produce, including scRNA-seq and PolyA-seq.

On the analysis side of things, I am an active contributor to the working groups that are writing several capstone papers as part of ENCODE4, namely on the long-read RNA-seq side of things. I am leading the analysis efforts for the RNA working group, which is seeking to survey and characterize all the human transcriptomes as part of ENCODE4. I am also heading the long-read analysis efforts for the mouse working group.